Let's see how well you saw the, er, crossword. Keep the spoon.


2. head honcho of the kitchen
3. best friend
4. prize for coming in second
7. coalition of the hungry
9. events of the first episode
10. parkour route through Macchu Picchu
12. photoshop wizard
14. back up, raring to go
15. drink for the servers at a restaurant
16. stupid little speck
18. get your ass up here
19. solution for unbridled shagginess
21. rouge with inverted color
22. flexible flora


1. thieves' chatter of the seas
4. harvest festival attraction
5. worshipper, yield to my judgement!
6. military metal fuser
8. challenges made by secret journals
9. Pierre Bouvier's rock band?
10. surprise examination at a musical performance
11. tv show where ordinary people try to sell houses
13. ghostly fury
17. levy for the chevy? with death, cab's duty?
20. Times New Roman peasant